There is a series of articles/blogs in The New York Times about adoption. Some of them really made me cry into my morning espresso con panna, but they are uplifting too.
As adopted people we never lose the desire to connect with something that was taken away from us, even if we are happy in our present lives. Personally I find myself often trying to imagine what happened to me in those "in-between" days--the days, about one week, after Jackie (birthmother) had given me up, but I hadn't yet been collected by Durfee & Warren (adoptive parents).
I am very blessed because I have found my birthmother, and even though we don't have a relationship, I know who she is, where she is, and a little of her story. I also connected with a wonderful sister and brother on my birthfather's side. And my adoptive family understood my need for this search. I'm lucky.
I'm re-reading a book about sacred contracts, and the author (Caroline Myss) asks you to think about epiphanic moments in your life. When did you hear that voice in your head telling you what you needed to do with your life? I remember clearly an experience I had after I had "found" Jackie. I was on the 405 freeway headed towards UCLA. I was still really itching to go to the Mormon Library and search--for what? Or whom? It was all over, right? I said "It's over." The voice said "No it isn't."
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