LT & GW on a boat.
Lots of food. Lots of movies. Lots of couch time. Monkey wearing a woolen poncho and not even caring.
Elise and Joe and Linda and Steve and Clay.
Two burned pies--but just on the top and everyone likes burned stuff anyway.
The many shadings and gradations and facets and moods of Beth. A writer/editor/scrivener/novelist with a poetic soul in search of information *and* infotainment. Likes Canterbury Tales but not Beowulf. Against advisement, doesn't like honey.
I've woken up two mornings in a row with this John Lennon song in my head, so might as well post it here. This is from "Walls and Bridges." It may have something to do with my writing. Or my mental state. Or maybe I just like it a lot.
So long ago
Was it in a dream, was it just a dream?
I know, yes I know
Seemed so very real, it seemed so real to me
Took a walk down the street
Thru the heat whispered trees
I thought I could hear (hear, hear, hear)
Somebody call out my name as it started to rain
Two spirits dancing so strange
Ah! böwakawa poussé, poussé
Ah! böwakawa poussé, poussé
Ah! böwakawa poussé, poussé
Dream, dream away
Magic in the air, was magic in the air?
I believe, yes I believe
More I cannot say, what more can I say?
On a river of sound
Thru the mirror go round, round
I thought I could feel (feel, feel, feel)
Music touching my soul, something warm, sudden cold
The spirit dance was unfolding
Ah! böwakawa poussé, poussé
Ah! böwakawa poussé, poussé
Ah! böwakawa poussé, poussé
And God has taken a flower of gold
And broken it, and used therefrom
The mystic link to find and hold
Spirit to matter till death come.